Empowering Slum Children: Harshal Dhoke’s Vision for Shashi Dream Foundation

  • Post category:Vision

This blog is an interview with Harshal Dhoke, founder of Shashi Dream Foundation (SDF), an NGO working to provide quality education to underprivileged children in India.

A lot of kids in India especially those who live in shanty towns do not have proper means by which they can go through school and acquire an education that will enable them to enable them to break the cycle of poverty that has surrounded them hence derailing their chances of ever living fulfilling lives. Shashi Dream Foundation (SDF) is a non-governmental organization that was founded by Harshal Dhoke which has been endeavoring to turn this situation around by offering free top-notch educational services to deprived children. In the below interview with Mr. Dhoke, we look at what SDF’s objectives are as well as what role it plays in enabling the next generation of Indians to become powerful.

Building a Brighter Future Through Education

Q: Mr. Dhoke, what inspired you to start the Shashi Dream Foundation?

Harshal Dhoke: While studying in prestigious institutes, I experienced firsthand the transformative power of education. But I also saw a huge gap in access to quality education, especially for disadvantaged children. This sparked a desire in me to fill this gap. Education is the key to unlocking a child’s potential and empowering them to dream big. From this belief the Moon Dream Foundation was born.

Q: Can you elaborate on the specific challenges of education for children living in rural areas?

Harshal Dhoke: Children living in rural areas face many challenges. Poverty often forces them to work to support the family, leaving little time for education. Furthermore, overcrowded homes and a lack of adequate learning environments make focused learning difficult. Moreover, their options are further constrained by the high cost of private schools and the inadequacy of some public schools.

Shashi Pathshala: Enlightening young minds

Q: How does Shashi Dream Foundation face these challenges?

Harshal Dhoke: Through our flagship project, “Shashi Pathshala”, we established community centers that function as schools for underprivileged children. These facilities provide a safe and appropriate learning environment with dedicated teachers. We offer a completely free education, covering the entire curriculum and providing additional support through after-school programs and modern educational materials.

Q: What impact has Shashi Pathshala had on the lives of these children?

Harshal Dhoke: The impact has been really interesting. We have seen significant improvements in their academic achievement, attendance, and overall confidence. Education not only empowers them academically, it also develops life skills and broadens their horizons. Many of our students have had the opportunity to attend prestigious schools, and some even dream of going to university.

Empowering the Future: Beyond Education

Q: Does Shashi Dream Foundation focus solely on academic education?

Harshal Dhoke: We believe in holistic development as teachers build the foundation. We organize career counseling sessions to understand their various career paths and ignite their interest We also conduct sessions on hygiene, mental health, and social responsibility, preparing them to become well-rounded individuals

Q: Shashi Dream Foundation also deals with menstrual hygiene issues. Can you elaborate on the “Shashi Care” program?

 Harshal Dhoke – That’s right. Menstrual hygiene is an important but often overlooked issue, especially among disadvantaged women and girls. Through Shashi Care, we create awareness about menstrual hygiene in villages and distribute sanitary pads This enables girls to attend school regularly and participate actively without any restrictions.

A call to action: Investing in our future

Q: Looking ahead, what are your vision and ambitions for Shashi Dream Foundation

Harshal Dhoke: Our vision is to create a world where every child gets a quality education regardless. Our aim is to expand our reach across India and set up more Shashi Pathshalas. We welcome collaborations and partnerships with individuals and organizations who share our vision.

Q: What is your message to those who want to support Shashi Dream Foundation?  

Harshal Dhoke: Big or small, every contribution makes a difference. Your support can help us acquire educational materials, train teachers, and create a brighter future for these underprivileged children. They are the future of our country, and by investing in their education, we are investing in a better tomorrow for everyone


The Shashi Dream Foundation headed by Harshal Dhoke is making a significant contribution towards bridging the educational gap in India. Through quality education and free comprehensive development programs for slum children, SDF empowers the next generation to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for themselves and their communities. Their work is a powerful example of how education can be a transformative force for positive social change.