The focus on menstrual hygiene


This year, Shashi Dream Foundation used its platform to address an important but often misunderstood aspect of women’s wellness: period hygiene. International Women’s Day is a global platform to celebrate women’s achievements and advocate for gender equality. In a bold move this year, Shashi Dream Foundation has used the occasion to shed light on an important but often overlooked aspect of women’s health: menstrual hygiene

Meeting a pressing need: more than pads

Shashi Dream Foundation recognizes that access to sanitary products is a luxury for many women in India. The concept of “seasonal poverty”, in which women have no menstrual products, threatens their health and dignity, and is forced to resort to unsafe alternatives, the Foundation took an active stance on Women’s Day by distributing sanitary pads to the underprivileged communities

Silent struggle: seasonal poverty in India

Menstrual hygiene is the cornerstone of a woman’s health. However, a surprising number of women in India are from poor background they cannot afford simple privileges like sanitary pads. Due to this they fall ill and are prone to many diseases this can also be caused by social stigma because of our India beliefs. We need to break this cycle and bring educational empowerment

According to a 2018 survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), only 41.6% of Indian women use sanitary pads during menstruation. Many people rely on unhygienic products like underwear, which can lead to infection, irritation and even UTI (Urinary Tract Infections). The shame and discomfort associated with seasonal poverty can further isolate and affect women and girls

Shashi Dream Foundation Steps In: Providing sanitary pads to break the stigma

Shashi Dream Foundation’s International Women’s Day initiative aims to fill this gap by distributing sanitary pads to women in Maharashtra. This simple act of providing basic necessities is of utmost importance. By providing sanitary pads to women, the Foundation empowers them to manage their menstrual cycle with dignity and confidence.  

The impact goes beyond just physical well-being. Access to sanitary napkins enables women to be active, to attend school or work regularly, to participate fully in daily life without fear of defecation or infection, and this freedom gives them a sense of empowerment it focuses on their education, career and personal life.

Beyond classification: Learning and empowerment

Shashi Dream Foundation realized that distribution alone is not enough to create lasting change. It is important to address the social stigma surrounding menstruation. The campaign would raise awareness of campaigns to educate women and girls about proper menstrual hygiene practices, safe disposal of sanitary products and the importance of breaking the silence around sexuality

Building supportive networks

The Shashi Dream Foundation initiative encouraged community spirit and support among the women participants. Creating a safe space for open discussions about menstruation can break down the shame and isolation often associated with sex. These support networks allow women to feel comfortable seeking support and advice from each other and their families.

A ripple effect: Building a healthier future

This initiative by Shashi Dream Foundation extends beyond the immediate impact of women’s sanitary napkins. The foundation contributes significantly to the overall health and welfare of women in Maharashtra by alleviating seasonal poverty and promoting menstrual hygiene awareness. 

Access to sanitary napkins and menstrual hygiene education can improve girls’ schooling, leading to higher education and better job opportunities, besides empowering women who are more likely to make better decisions for themselves and their families

A call to action: Collective responsibility

This initiative by Shashi Dream Foundation is a strong call to action. Time poverty is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. While organizations like our Shashi Dream Foundation have a vital role to play in providing immediate support and education, structural change is also needed.

Advocacy for change and collaboration

Advocating for seasonal poverty-related government policies such as assisted sanitation or tax exemptions is crucial for a long-term solution. Additionally, they will cooperate with the private sector to ensure a wider and affordable supply of sanitary products. We need to understand it as a foundation and try to raise it Building supportive networks

The Shashi Dream Foundation initiative encouraged community spirit and support among the women participants. Creating a safe space for open discussions about menstruation can break down the shame and isolation often associated with sex. These support networks allow women to feel comfortable seeking support and advice from each other and their families.

Impact on key areas

The program has different impacts through various industries:

1.   Education: Many girls in poor communities drop out of their school and are afraid to go because they feel embarrassed and are afraid due to societal pressure. Shashi Dream Foundation acknowledges this and helps these girls provide them pads and aims to improve their lifestyle and health.

2.   Employer engagement: facing financial difficulties may avoid seeking or maintaining employment due to concerns about managing their menstrual cycle 

clean slate. The availability of sanitary facilities allows for confident employee communication throughout the year. Interpersonal Communications are also required as Menstrual stigma often leads to isolation. Sanitary pads enable women to discreetly manage their menstrual cycle, promote social inclusion and break taboos.

3.   Social Interaction: Menstrual stigma often leads to isolation. Sanitary pads enable women to discreetly manage their menstrual cycle, promote social inclusion and break taboos.


Women’s Day is an important opportunity for the Shashi Dream Foundation to show you how much they care about women by doing things that matter directly to them. Shashi Dream Foundation looks at menstrual cleanliness as being one of the privileges that come with being a woman other than an extra mile or do something more than the usual. The Foundation’s aim goes beyond temporary support; it seeks to empower them permanently through lifestyle changes too.